Today, the person I most wanted to be during my teenage years turns 80. James Patrick Page. The man who still gets my vote as most important musical influence in my lifetime. I prefer a list of “favorite” than one of “best.” Best guitarist could mean best composing guitarist, best rhythm guitarist, best lead guitarist, most creative guitarist, best live performing guitarist, or any combination of the above. Favorite is simply who would you choose if stranded an a deserted island and his or her music is all you would have to listen to for the rest of your life.
My favorite guitarist, and favorite musician, is Jimmy. From Zep I to Graffiti he was a wizard of sound. That is why Zep IV and Zep II are still in my top five favorite albums with Graffiti not far behind.

And, there is more live Zep available than probably any other band not named The Dead. Yeah, Page had many off nights, he could be sloppy as hell, but his live work on the ‘72 and ‘73 tours is as good as any other guitarist from any genre.

Happy birthday to one of the Mt. Rushmore’s of music, Jimmy Page.