Today is the birthdate of the great Andy Johns. Andy was the engineer on many, many albums that we loved over the years including Zeppelin II, III, IV, Houses of the Holy, and Graffiti as well as the Stones Sticky Fingers and Exile on Main Street, Delaney and Bonnie and Friends On Tour with Eric Clapton, Tull’s stand Up and Living in the Past, and the awesome Blind Faith album. I can’t think of another set of brothers that were part of more of my favorite albums than Andy and Glyn Johns. Glyn produced and/or engineered Beggar’s Banquet, Let It Bleed, Who’s Next, Zeppelin I, the Get Back sessions, and the first three Eagles records.

Mick, Keith, Andy and Jimmy Miller
Wish they were both still alive to share stories of those bygone days. Can you think of any siblings that were more involved with the albums of our youth?