The Beatles’ Revolver was released on this date in 1966. Revolver marked a turning point in both the production and release of music for The Beatles and all of the pop/rock genre. This was the album where John, Paul, George, Ringo, and George Martin melded the songwriting and song arranging capabilities of the band with studio wizardry in ways previously unheard of before.

Revolver is consistently rated either the best album of all time or at least in the top five in many polls. No two of us have the exact same taste and I actually prefer several other albums by The Beatles alone over Revolver. However, there’s no denying that McCartney really came into his own as a songwriter on Revolver; I just prefer most of John’s songs over Paul’s.

Nevertheless, I have to give credit to Revolver for introducing psychedelic music and, in many ways, “grown-up” rock music to the world. There are other bands that may have been making music like Tomorrow Never Knows, Eleanor Rigby, and She Said, She Said, but they certainly were not reaching the masses like The Beatles were in the mid-60s.
Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream, my friends.