Jimmy F-ing Page!

Today, the person I most wanted to be during my teenage years turns 80. James Patrick Page. The man who still gets my vote as most important musical influence in my lifetime.  I prefer a list of “favorite” than one of “best.” Best guitarist could mean best composing guitarist, best rhythm guitarist, best lead guitarist, most […]

MVP of 1968

Three absolute musical legends were born on this date. The first, Sir George Martin, was one of the 20 people most responsible for the creation of what became known as classic rock. The second, John Baldwin, a/k/a John Paul Jones, played bass, organ, piano, mellotron, synthesizer, guitar, mandolin, and arranged many of the songs that […]


On this date in 1931, Winfield Scott Moore III (sounds like a character from Gilligan’s Island) was born. Chuck Berry and B.B. King influenced more guitarists coming up in the ‘60s than anyone. Not far behind though was Mr. Moore.    All Scotty did was play almost every lead and key rhythm guitar part on […]

Wastin’ Away Again

The late Jimmy Buffett was born on this date in 1946. Only in America could a person earn a billion dollars with one word. Jimmy would never have gotten past being an opening act if he had called the song “Bloody Maryville.” (He used to just bring his guitar and play for free in front […]

Paul Rodgers

Paul Rodgers turns 75 today. It is hard to overstate how much Paul’s voice and Bad Company’s sound connected with partying, hormone-heavy, long-haired teenage boys in the mid-70s. It was like our feelings were wrapped in slightly less-than-heavy music and coupled with what we were thinking flowing from one of the best-ever, soulful rock voices. […]

Alien, AI and ELP

Brain Salad Surgery was released on this date 51 years ago. Before Brain Salad Surgery, I hadn’t been a big fan of ELP. Of course like everyone, I loved Lucky Man and From the Beginning. Still do. But the rest sounded like a band trying too hard to be grandiose.    Brain Salad Surgery though […]

Paul on the Run

51 years ago today my favorite Beatles solo album was released. Best Beatles solo album? Certainly George’s All Things Must Pass and John’s Imagine could qualify. But my favorite, the one that most approximates the genius and joy of The Beatles for me, is still Paul’s Band on the Run. It opens with the title […]

Sax, Drugs, and Rock and Roll

Bobby Keys passed ten years ago today at the age of 70. Every fan of rock and roll knows Bobby’s work. And only Bobby could keep up with Keith during the height of the Stones most wasted years. The killer sax on Brown Sugar: Bobby. The wailing sax on Can’t You Hear Me Knocking: Bobby. […]


There are so many albums and musicians for us to be thankful for. One of the albums I am thankful for has had heavy rotation on my turntable since I first heard it over 50 years ago. Fragile was released 53 years ago today. Prog rock has its seminal albums by luminaries such as Genesis, […]


Today should be designated “Slide Guitarist Day.” The greatest slide guitarist of all time, Duane Allman, was born on this date in 1946. There have never been tastier slide solos and fills than Duane’s on Statesboro Blues, One Way Out, You Don’t Love Me, and Layla. Man among boys until his untimely death. One year […]