Train Kept A-Rollin’ All Night Long!

All right, raise your hand if you recognize the name “Tiny Bradshaw.” Thought so.

Myron Carlton “Tiny” Bradshaw co-wrote The Train Kept A-Rollin’ and recorded it on this date in 1951 in my hometown of Cincinnati. I would argue that this song was responsible for more great rock bands than any other in history with the possible exception of Louie, Louie. What song did Jimmy, Robert, Bonzo and JPJ play the first time they got together? The song where they looked at each other and knew, freakin’ knew, what they had was special in a way nothing else had been for any of them before? What song was the only one Joe Perry and Tom Hamilton knew well enough to play for the first time with Steve Tyler? What song did virtually every garage rock band in the late ’60’s and 70’s play?

Yep, Tiny’s song.

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