The greatest cultural influence in my lifetime was The Beatles. Nothing else comes close. But…I was too young to appreciate them when they were together (although one of my earliest memories was hearing Eleanor Rigby on the way to YMCA Camp in the summer of ‘66, at 6 years old, and thinking, “This is really […]
The Key of Life
I know we are a rock crowd. But growing up, Motown music had a huge effect on our musical tastes. And everyone from The Beatles and Stones to CCR and Doobie Brothers covered Motown songs. On this date in 1976, the stunningly superb Songs In the Key of Life was released. Thriller had the otherworldly […]
Hard Drivin’ Man

If there ever exists a College of Musical Knowledge, this album is required listening.

Quick…think of a famous singer-songwriter album. A few just immediately come to mind like Tapestry, Blue, Sweet Baby James, Highway 61 Revisited, and For Everyman. I would put another in that top tier that inexplicably is never part of the discussion, one released on this date in 1970, Neil Young’s After the Gold Rush. Tell […]
Cinderella Story
On September 16, 1972, a relatively unknown guitarist played his first concert as a solo artist when he opened for the J. Geils Band. He had been the lead singer and guitarist in a pop band called The Herd and then for three years in a hard rock band, but none of either band’s studio […]
Robert F’ing Plant

Today, Robert Plant turns 76. I had the great fortune of meeting Mr. Plant once at the Gatwick Airport Hotel. He was a true gentleman in every respect. There is not a single entertainer who experienced more joy and more sorrow during the 1970s. Think about it: Jimmy and Robert had no peers in the […]
On this date, an event occurred which has had a profound effect on my life. And likely on yours, too. See, on August 12, 1968, Jimmy first jammed with Robert, John Paul and Bonzo in a tiny basement room in London. The song was Train Kept ‘A Rollin’ (which Page had played both in its […]

I know this is a music group but every now and then I like to send an inspirational message. Hey, the world can be a hard, ugly, and crazy place sometimes so a ray of sunshine story can always help. Today’s birthday person is the poster child to never giving up. No matter how bad […]
Tomorrow Never Knows

The Beatles’ Revolver was released on this date in 1966. Revolver marked a turning point in both the production and release of music for The Beatles and all of the pop/rock genre. This was the album where John, Paul, George, Ringo, and George Martin melded the songwriting and song arranging capabilities of the band with […]

ICYDK, Aerosmith announced yesterday that they would no longer tour. This sad news marks the end of an era for this kid. See, I wasn’t around (i.e., immersed in the music scene and aware of a higher plane of consciousness) for the birth of The Beatles or Jimi or Zeppelin like some of you born […]